Pardon the rant but...
Google's idea of a search bar is pretty darn useless.
A search bar is supposed to be ready for text input the second you touch it.
But no! it is too complicated for all-mighty G to create such a simple thing.
Instead, when you touch that widget up there, it just opens the search app!
Why waste so much space for what is essentially just a fucking icon!?!?!?
I've been waiting on Google for 3 years to fix this, but now I'm putting my foot down!
Google - you don't want to fix this?
I'll fix it myself!
Hello mrQuery
mrQuery is a home button replacement that takes the solution to this problem to the next level.
When you set mrQuery as your launcher it makes your android act like it's on cocaine.
- Tap the home button, and get the keyboard open right away, start keying a name of an app and it launches immediately.
- Access your favorite contacts and various system settings from the same box.
- Every app you launch is added to a small "history" view above the search-bar for even faster access.
Check it out on the play store.