The Grandson Paradox

You probably heard about the Grandfather Paradox, which sparked my idea of the Grandson Paradox.
In short, the Grandfather Paradox suggests this never-ending loop:
1. You travel back in time and kill your grandfather before he meets your grandmother...
2. You will not be born...
3. You will not travel back in time...
4. You will not kill your grandfather...
5. You will be born
6. Go back to step 1.

The Grandson paradox which I thought of about ten years ago suggests this experiment:
1. Go to your back yard
2. Bury a note that says: "This is for the descended of "your name" that will encounter a time machine." Please come back to the date "date of note burial" and show yourself.
3. Swear to yourself that you will pass the existence and purpose of that note to your kids and their kids.
4. Expect to see a time machine...

What do you think? is it a paradox? or just a philosophical question?

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